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The Secrets of AI Value Creation

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Автор: Limpopo5 от 2024-03-08, 21:08:48
The Secrets of AI Value CreationНазвание: The Secrets of AI Value Creation: A Practical Guide to Business Value Creation with Artificial Intelligence from Strategy to Execution
Автор: Мiсhаеl Рrоksсh, Nishа Раliwаl, Wilhеlm Вiеlеrt
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2024
Страниц: 416
Язык: английский
Формат: epub (true)
Размер: 10.1 MB

Unlock unprecedented levels of value at your firm by implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI).

In The Secrets of AI Value Creation: Practical Guide to Business Value Creation with Artificial Intelligence from Strategy to Execution, a team of renowned artificial intelligence leaders and experts delivers an insightful blueprint for unlocking the value of AI in your company. This book presents a comprehensive framework that can be applied to your organisation, exploring the value drivers and challenges you might face throughout your AI journey. You will uncover effective strategies and tactics utilised by successful Artificial Intelligence (AI) achievers to propel business growth. In the book, you'll explore critical value drivers and key capabilities that will determine the success or failure of your company's AI initiatives. The authors examine the subject from multiple perspectives, including business, technology, data, algorithmics, and psychology.

Welcome to the world of AI, where the pace of change is relentless, and the opportunities and stakes seem higher than ever – especially with the latest buzz surrounding AI's tremendous potential for value creation. Through the newest developments in generative AI with solutions such as ChatGPT and Midjourney, the age‐old question of AI hype versus reality takes center stage once more. Although there's undoubtedly substantial potential for this technology to create value, Sequoia, a prominent venture capital firm known for its early investments in companies such as Apple, Google, Oracle, YouTube, WhatsApp, and Airbnb, has pointed out that even though it has outperformed the SaaS market and generated more than $1 billion in revenue within a mere few months, ‘generative AI's biggest problem [right now] is not finding use cases or demand or distribution, it is proving value’. But this challenge is by no means new to the field of AI and forms the central theme of this book.

Whether you're just someone interested in exploring the subject or a seasoned business leader, an AI expert, an enterprise data and AI manager, a data scientist, an engineer, or an AI start‐up, you might be seeking guidance on how to create value with AI. Regardless of your background, you may find yourself wrestling with the puzzle of AI's value creation.

Organized into four parts and fourteen insightful chapters, the book includes
• Concrete examples and real-world case studies illustrating the practical impact of the ideas discussed within
• Best practices used and common challenges encountered when first incorporating AI into your company's operations
• A comprehensive framework you can use to navigate the complexities of AI implementation and value creation

An indispensable blueprint for Artificial Intelligence implementation at your organisation, The Secrets of AI Value Creation is a can't-miss resource for managers, executives, directors, entrepreneurs, founders, data analysts, and business- and tech-side professionals looking for ways to unlock new forms of value in their company.

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