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Trivergence: Accelerating Innovation with AI, Blockchain, and the Internet of Things

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Автор: Limpopo5 от 2024-01-19, 20:20:40
Trivergence: Accelerating Innovation with AI, Blockchain, and the Internet of ThingsНазвание: Trivergence: Accelerating Innovation with AI, Blockchain, and the Internet of Things
Автор: Воb Тарsсоtt
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2024
Страниц: 256
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub (true), mobi
Размер: 10.1 MB

A Breakthrough Introduction to The Next Phase of the Digital Age.

In Trivergence, Bob Tapscott, writer, speaker, complex system designer, and former CIO introduces an exciting new concept in explaining how the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT) will transform business and society. He explains the synergies between these technologies and the disruptive potential that they will offer, as well as the challenges and risks to making it happen. He offers an insightful guide through the difficult decisions that businesses and society must make to thrive in a new era where decisions will be difficult, and uncertainties abound.

You'll discover how and why AI's power is now exploding, its growth driven by smarter approaches to neural networks trained on a new hardware architecture that can derive its intelligence from ever more massive datasets. You'll also find:

• Discussions of the multiplicative and exponential power of trivergence on the core technologies discussed in the book
• Explorations of IoT's tendency to bring the physical world to life as it harnesses the capabilities of AI and the blockchain
• How trivergence morphs Big Data into something new he calls "Infinite Data", where thinking machines consider trillions of data points to generate their own content, value, and perspectives without programmed code or human intervention

The digital age has entered a second era. The first era spanned the rise of mainframes, minicomputers, cellphones, the personal computer, fax, the Internet, mobility, the World Wide Web, social media, the mobile Web, the cloud, and big data. We are now entering a second era, where digital technologies permeate every facet of life and business. The unfolding era has been punctuated by innovations such as machine learning, robotics, drones, distributed ledgers, 5G networks, additive manufacturing, virtual reality, and synthetic biology. Amid this evolution, a trio of technologies has emerged as the foundation for the second era of the digital age: artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things. Call it the Trivergence.

The term is a neologism, invented in a conversation between myself and my brother, Don Tapscott. While many are familiar with AI, blockchain, and the IoT, a brief primer will help put the coming Trivergence into perspective:

• Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines, enabling them to perform tasks that had previously required human cognitive functions. From recognizing patterns in vast datasets to making recommendations for decision-making, AI is transforming industries such as healthcare, finance, and manufacturing. AI-powered virtual assistants, self-driving cars, and personalized content recommendations are just a glimpse of its potential. The significance of AI lies in its ability to automate complex tasks, enhance efficiency, and uncover insights hidden within data. Recent advances in Deep Learning have expanded beyond focusing on analyzing complex data sets to make predictions to generate entirely new content in data, text, speech, and image. AI is now transitioning from learning from data to beginning to think.

• The Internet of Things (IoT) is a vast network of interconnected physical devices, vehicles, buildings, and other items embedded with sensors, software, and connectivity, allowing them to collect and exchange data. The physical world is becoming animated as everyday objects become part of this “web of everything,” enabling applications such as smart homes, wearable health devices, climate monitoring, and predictive maintenance in industries. The power of IoT comes from its capacity to bring the digital world into the physical realm, enabling efficient monitoring, analysis, and control of various systems. This interconnectedness enhances convenience, optimizes resource utilization, and opens avenues for new business models and insights.

• Blockchains are logs of events that may be implemented as decentralized and distributed ledgers across multiple computers. They achieve trust and transparency by creating a tamper-proof chain of data blocks, ensuring the immutability of records. Beyond cryptocurrencies, blockchain finds applications in supply chain management, identity verification, and secure data sharing. Its significance lies in its potential to eliminate intermediaries, enhance security, and redefine how we establish trust in transactions. By providing a tamper-proof platform, blockchain holds the potential to revolutionize industries, streamline processes, and redefine trust in the digital age. Over the past decade, blockchains have evolved from proprietary, permissioned ledgers to include programmable public networks, with Ethereum currently in the lead.

Each of these foundational technologies is uniquely and individually powerful. However, when taken together, each is transformed. This is a classic case of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. What happens when we combine the power of AI with blockchain's ability to manage, store, and transact peer to peer, and with the IoT's capability to animate the physical world? What new opportunities will emerge? What new risks will arise?

A fresh and innovative guide, rich with case stories, on how the most critical technologies of this new phase in the digital age are combining to drive business transformation, Trivergence will become a critical handbook for forward-looking leaders, and anyone interested in the intersection of cutting-edge tech and business.

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