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Мировая экономика. 2-е изд. (2022)

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2023-05-17, 05:29:10
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Мировая экономика. 2-е изд. (2022)Название: Мировая экономика: Учебник. 2-е изд.
Автор: Цыпин И.C., Becнин B.P.
Издательство: Инфра-М
Год: 2022
Страниц: 288
Язык: русский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 79.2 MB

В учебнике раскрываются вопросы состояния и развития мировой экономики, ее глобализации и наиболее актуальные глобальные проблемы современности. Рассматриваются перспективные вопросы международного разделения и кооперации труда и производства, развития ТНК, усиления интеграционных процессов между странами и регионами мира. Особое внимание уделяется развитию международной торговли и научно-техническому обмену, международной финансовой системе и миграции рабочей силы. Предназначен для подготовки бакалавров и магистров высших учебных заведений.

The Startup Players Handbook: A Roadmap to Building SaaS and Software Companies

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2023-05-10, 18:06:08
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The Startup Players Handbook: A Roadmap to Building SaaS and Software CompaniesНазвание: The Startup Players Handbook: A Roadmap to Building SaaS and Software Companies
Автор: Сhаrlеs Еdgе, Сhiр Реаrsоn, Аmу Lаrsоn Реаrsоn
Издательство: Apress
Год: 2023
Страниц: 690
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 10.2 MB

Modern startups are on an assembly line from seed to later-stage series financing. As they make that journey, founders need to have a working knowledge of dozens of fields if they’re going to scale a company. SaaS is a unique set of skills across those disciplines. This book focuses on gaining a working understanding of what specialists will do in those fields as an organization grows and how founders can leverage the basics to get those capabilities started so once professionals are hired in each, they can hit the ground running with authentic materials. Founders will be pulled in a lot of directions as they find success, so the book looks at what to do with each discipline at each stage of growth. The hardest part to creating a startup is to just start the thing. This book covers when to bootstrap, apply to accelerators, seek seed capital – and where to do those things. It also covers some of the earlier questions like how to write a mission statement, where to find investors, what technical stacks to use, how to HR, how to sell, and more importantly, when a founder should spend time on each discipline. A way to look at the tech stack and the ever-changing landscape to keep technical debt low and the ability to respond to ever-changing market forces high.

Capitalizing Your Technology to Disrupt and Dominate Your Markets: Transforming Cost Centers to Innovation Centers

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2023-05-10, 16:21:18
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Capitalizing Your Technology to Disrupt and Dominate Your Markets: Transforming Cost Centers to Innovation CentersНазвание: Capitalizing Your Technology to Disrupt and Dominate Your Markets: Transforming Cost Centers to Innovation Centers
Автор: Aviv Ben-Yosef
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2023
Страниц: 201
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 13.1 MB

Every business today has some technology as part of its strategy. Inevitably, it is becoming harder for many CEOs to effectively lead their R&D efforts at the same time that their investment in tech keeps growing. Even startup founders can find themselves flustered when trying to understand whether a particular issue is genuinely impossible to solve, getting the team to provide reliable estimates, and having their top tech leaders speak in plain words as opposed to jargon. Tons of books, certifications, and conference talks have been created around the different approaches to managing software delivery. One can hardly get within ten feet of a software engineer without hearing about Scrum, Agile, or sprints. Before getting down in the weeds with the meaning of these different buzzwords and how they affect you, let us start by ensuring that you view things correctly. While many tech teams believe their delivery processes are mostly an internal matter, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. I have seen companies where the software organization was attempting to push new versions out rapidly, which was harmful to the business. If you are afraid that asking to talk about the software delivery cadence is micromanagement, don’t be. In fact, most Agile methodologies claim that “real agile” requires the involvement of the entire company.

Как продавать, когда не покупают. Три мощнейших инструмента продаж на B2B-рынках

Автор: admin от 2023-05-10, 13:20:24
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Как продавать, когда не покупают. Три мощнейших инструмента продаж на B2B-рынкахНазвание: Как продавать, когда не покупают. Три мощнейших инструмента продаж на B2B-рынках
Автор: Александр Кузин
Язык: русский
Издательство: Питер
Год: 2022
Страниц: 180
Формат: pdf
Размер: 10,1 Мб

Эта книга о том, как с помощью всего трех маркетинговых инструментов – вайт пейпера (white paper), авторассылки и кейсов – можно построить маркетинг для своей компании в сфере B2B и для продуктов, которые не имеют сформированного спроса. Предложенные инструменты проверены и эффективны. Они также могут быть использованы в связке как маркетинговая мини-система и принесут гораздо большую отдачу, чем по отдельности. Вы узнаете, как привести клиента в вашу компанию, не бегая за ним, и как привлечь внимание к своему бизнесу без ценового и рекламного давления.

Blockchain for Business: IT Principles into Practice

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2023-05-09, 18:18:01
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Blockchain for Business: IT Principles into PracticeНазвание: Blockchain for Business: IT Principles into Practice
Автор: Marco Comuzzi, Paul Grefen, Giovanni Meroni
Издательство: Routledge
Год: 2023
Страниц: 269
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 24.9 MB

This book discusses the up-and-coming blockchain technology in a structured way from the conceptual, technological, and business perspectives, thereby providing the integrated insight that is essential for truly understanding blockchain applications and their impact. While most people may know about blockchain from Bitcoin and news about its price in the financial markets, blockchain is a technology that increasingly permeates the way in which modern businesses operate. However, its dynamics and functioning remain obscure for most people. This book gives readers the tools to understand the full extent to which blockchain technology is or can be used in business. First, the book focuses on the functioning of blockchain systems, introducing basic concepts such as transactions, consensus mechanisms, and smart contracts, as well as giving a smooth introduction to the basic features of cryptography that underpin blockchain technology, e.g., digital signatures and hashing. Then, the book focuses on specific blockchain platforms (Bitcoin, Ethereum, private blockchain platforms) currently used for the implementation of cryptocurrencies and other blockchain systems.

Маркетплейсы. Увеличиваем продажи, повышаем прибыль

Автор: admin от 2023-05-09, 13:18:56
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Маркетплейсы. Увеличиваем продажи, повышаем прибыльНазвание: Маркетплейсы. Увеличиваем продажи, повышаем прибыль
Автор: Виктор Котлов
Язык: русский
Издательство: Питер
Год: 2023
Страниц: 180
Формат: pdf
Размер: 10,1 Мб

Продажи на маркетплейсах имеют особенную специфику. Любой предприниматель может начать торговлю, но далеко не каждый получит прибыль. Эта книга о том, как вести свой бизнес в высококонкурентной среде и добиться внушительных результатов. Вы узнаете, как продавать и продвигать товары на маркетплейсе, собрать успешную команду, распределять финансы внутри организации, преодолевать возникающие трудности. Автор делится методами и способами, которые действительно работают и применяются на практике ежедневно.

Crypto Decrypted: Debunking Myths, Understanding Breakthroughs, and Building Foundations for Digital Asset Investing

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2023-05-09, 02:45:32
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Crypto Decrypted: Debunking Myths, Understanding Breakthroughs, and Building Foundations for Digital Asset InvestingНазвание: Crypto Decrypted: Debunking Myths, Understanding Breakthroughs, and Building Foundations for Digital Asset Investing
Автор: Jake Ryan, James Diorio
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2023
Страниц: 301
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 10.2 MB

Break through your “crypto curiosity” and uncover why blockchain innovation will revolutionize our economy, culture, and the future of investing?as well as how to navigate it safely. Between the booms, crashes, jargon, and flashy memes, blockchain technology and digital assets have not been easy for ordinary investors to understand. Hopeful investors in blockchain, digital assets, and crypto everywhere have a lengthy list of questions?and the list keeps getting longer and more nuanced. But who do they turn to for answers? In Crypto Decrypted, Tradecraft Capital’s Jake Ryan and James Diorio decrypt a new world that is hidden in plain view, accessible currently to folks “in the know.” This book is for anyone who finds themselves lost in the blockchain babble, exploring and explaining not only how to participate, but the often overlooked reasons why this new technology is relevant to every human being. Just as the internet revolutionized our world decades ago, blockchain technology will impact every person and businesses on the planet – for the better – in the decades to come.

500 Great Ways to Save For Dummies

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2023-05-08, 08:23:55
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500 Great Ways to Save For DummiesНазвание: 500 Great Ways to Save For Dummies
Автор: Тhе Ехреrts аt ААRР
Издательство: For Dummies
Год: 2023
Страниц: 179
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 10.2 MB

Get smart and start saving?without sacrificing the things you love. With high prices for everything from food to gas, how can you make ends meet?and still have enough for the things you love? 500 Great Ways to Save For Dummies is packed with creative ideas for cutting costs in small and big ways, in dozens of categories, ranging from groceries and healthcare to education, travel, and major purchases. This fun book helps you get into a saving mindset, know where your money goes, and whittle down debt. These quick tips are so easy you can start saving today! As prices climb for nearly everything, from food to gas to healthcare and beyond, what can you do to spend less and save more? That’s where 500 Great Ways to Save For Dummies comes in. Here, experts reveal simple, secret, and successful ways to get more for your money. 500 Great Ways to Save For Dummies is chock-full of ideas for slashing expenses in a variety of categories, including cars, clothes, technology, pets, entertainment, education, fitness, and much more. This is the only book you need to save money throughout the year!

Больше денег. Что такое Ethereum и как блокчейн меняет мир

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2023-05-08, 07:27:35
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Больше денег. Что такое Ethereum и как блокчейн меняет мирНазвание: Больше денег. Что такое Ethereum и как блокчейн меняет мир
Автор: Bитaлик Бyтepин
Издательство: Индивидуум Принт
Год: 2023
Страниц: 476
Язык: русский
Формат: pdf, epub
Размер: 13.5 MB

В 2013 году девятнадцатилетний программист Виталик Бутерин (Виталий Дмитриевич Бутерин) опубликовал концепцию новой платформы для создания онлайн-сервисов на базе блокчейна. За десять лет Ethereum стал не только второй по популярности криптовалютой, но и основой для целого мира децентрализованных приложений, смарт-контрактов и NFT-искусства. В своих статьях Бутерин размышляет о развитии криптоэкономики и о ключевых идеях, которые за ней стоят, – от особенностей протокола Ethereum до теории игр, финансирования общественных благ и создания автономных сетевых организаций. Как блокчейн-сервисы могут помочь людям добиваться общих целей? Могут ли криптовалюты заменить традиционные финансовые инструменты? Ведут ли они к построению прекрасного нового мира, в котором власть будет принадлежать не правительствам и корпорациям, а людям, объединенным общими ценностями и интересами, или служат источником неравенства и циничных финансовых спекуляций? В этой книге Бутерин предстает увлеченным мыслителем, глубоким социальным теоретиком и активистом, который рассуждает о том, что гораздо больше денег, не боится задавать сложные вопросы и предлагать решения противоречивых проблем.

An Introduction to Management Science, 16th Edition

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2023-05-07, 03:52:28
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An Introduction to Management Science, 16th EditionНазвание: An Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making, 16th Edition
Автор: Jeffrey D. Camm, James J. Cochran, Michael J. Fry, Jeffrey W. Ohlmann
Издательство: Cengage Learning
Год: 2023
Страниц: 818
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 31.3 MB

Gain a strong understanding of the role of management science in the decision-making process while mastering the latest advantages of Microsoft Office Excel 365 with Camm/Cochran/Fry/Ohlmann/Anderson/Sweeney/Williams' AN INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT SCIENCE: QUANTITATIVE APPROACHES TO DECISION MAKING, 16E. This market-leading edition uses a proven problem-scenario approach in a new full-color design as the authors introduce each quantitative technique within an application setting. You learn to apply the management science model to generate solutions and make recommendations for management. Updates clarify concept explanations while new vignettes and problems demonstrate concepts at work. All data sets, applications and screen visuals reflect the details of Excel 365 to prepare you to work with the latest spreadsheet tools. Management science, an approach to decision making based on the scientific method, makes extensive use of quantitative analysis. A variety of names exist for the body of knowledge involving quantitative approaches to decision making; in addition to management science, two other widely known and accepted names are operations research and decision science. Today, many use the terms management science, operations research, and decision science interchangeably.

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