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G/Geschichte Porträt №2 2023 (BURGUND)

Автор: ana4220 от 2023-05-26, 17:13:42
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G/Geschichte Porträt №2 2023 (BURGUND)Название: G/Geschichte Porträt №2 2023 (BURGUND)
Издательство: Bayard Media
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 76
Размер: 75.3 MB
Язык: German

Historisch belegte Antworten auf brennende Fragen zur Geschichte der Welt gibt Ihnen die Zeitschrift G Geschichte Porträt. Sie das Magazin mit spannenden Artikeln und zahlreichen Bildern und Illustrationen an berühmte Schauplätze historischer Ereignisse aus allen Epochen.
Журнал G Geschichte Porträt дает вам исторически проверенные ответы на животрепещущие вопросы об истории мира. Читайте журнал с захватывающими статьями и многочисленными фотографиями, иллюстрациями к известным местам исторических событий всех эпох.

Esprit Bonsai №123 2023

Автор: ana4220 от 2023-05-26, 16:58:34
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Esprit Bonsai №123 2023Название: Esprit Bonsai №123 Avril/Mai 2023
Издательство: LR Presse
Формат: True PDF
Страниц: 84
Размер: 41.45 MB
Язык: French

Ce magazine a tous ceux qui aiment les bonsaiset tout ce qui s'y rapporte, dans le meme esprit : l'ikebana (art floral japonais), le kusamono (culture de plantes sauvages en pot), le suiseki (l'art japonais des pierres de collection), ou encore les jardins. Dans chaque numero, des conseils pratiques pour reussir vos bonsais, vos arrangements floraux et pour comprendre l'art des pierres.
Этот журнал для всех, кто любит бонсаи и все, что с ними связано, в том же духе: икебана (японское цветочное искусство), кусамоно (выращивание дикорастущих растений в горшках), суйсеки (японское искусство сбора камней) или даже сады. В каждом выпуске дельные советы по удачному бонсаю, цветочным композициям и пониманию искусства камня.

Better Homes & Gardens - Flea Market Decorating 2023

Автор: Kendy от 2023-05-26, 16:56:39
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Better Homes & Gardens - Flea Market Decorating 2023Название: Better Homes & Gardens - Flea Market Decorating 2023
Издательство: Dotdash Meredith
Страниц: 100
Качество: хорошее
Формат: True PDF
Размер: 180 MB
Язык: английский

Better Homes and Gardens Flea Market Decorating - Score fabulous finds by thrifting for interiors. Whether you're a seasoned flea market shopper of just intrigued by the possibilities, you've come to the right place. This book offers inspiration and indispensable tips on navigating markets, reinventing treasures, and weaving them into your interiors like a pro. Plus, you'll soak up some ideas from complete home tours, featured collections, and doable projects using vintage finds.

Implementing Automated Software Testing

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2023-05-26, 16:55:14
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Implementing Automated Software TestingНазвание: Implementing Automated Software Testing
Автор: Neha Kaul
Издательство: Arcler Press
Год: 2023
Страниц: 280
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 37.7 MB

The field of software testing has grown considerably since its origin in the early 1900s. The relevance of software will only increase in the future. Software will continue to increase in complexity as it is going to be used to solve the biggest problems faced by the world. Effective testing is thought of as a measure of efficiency and quality of software. Testing is a vital non-skippable step in the software development lifecycle. The implementation of different automated software systems will be presented in detail. Detailed practical implementations of automated software applications covering different types of testing scenarios have been provided in this book. Software systems are an essential component of our day-to-day lives. Software has morphed into one of our most basic necessities. We depend on software to accomplish routine tasks and activities in our lives. The impact that software has made in this world is enormous. Software applications are engaged on a large scale in both essential and non-essential sectors across the world.

Key dynamics in computer programming

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2023-05-26, 16:32:10
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Key dynamics in computer programmingНазвание: Key dynamics in computer programming
Автор: Adele Kuzmiakova
Издательство: Arcler Press
Год: 2023
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 21.0 MB

The Key Dynamics in Computer Science gives readers an integrated and rigorous tour into the overall computer architecture, including its hardware and software components. The book takes a refreshing, ground-level approach to allow the students to gain a clear picture of how computers work. Designed and supported with numerous real-world illustrations, the book leads students through 8 chapters that gradually build a basic hardware platform coupled with modern operating system hierarchy from the ground up. Additionally, this volume delved deeper into modern programming languages, including Python and C. All in all, it is a fantastic reference for emerging technical professions and supports them to gain a thorough understanding of the modern computer hardware and software components. A program is created by first defining a task and then expressing it in a computer language that is appropriate for the application. The specification is then converted into a coded program that can be directly executed by the machine on which the task is to be performed, usually in numerous steps. Machine language refers to the coded program, whereas problem-oriented languages refer to languages that are ideal for original formulation. C, Python, and C++ are only a few of the many problem-solving languages that have been invented.

Godoy's Army: Spanish Regiments and Uniforms from the Estado Militar Of 1800

Godoy's Army: Spanish Regiments and Uniforms from the Estado Militar Of 1800Название: Godoy''s Army: Spanish Regiments and Uniforms from the Estado Militar Of 1800
Автор: Esdaile C., Perry A.
Издательство: England: Helion & Company
Год: 2017
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 120
Размер: 70 Мб
Язык: English

Based on an extremely rare illustrated version of the Spanish Army’s order of battle as it existed in the year 1800, this work cannot but form a most unusual addition to the collection of anyone interested in military uniforms (or, more specifically, the Revolutionary and Napoleonic era). Almost every regiment of the Spanish Army is represented - including such extraordinary units as the Royal Corps of Cosmographic Engineers - while the beautiful full-page, hand-coloured engravings of the originals have been supplemented by a transcript of the details (in brief, the senior officers and the uniforms) given in the published edition of the army’s order of battle, to which the album reproduced in the pages of this work was intended to complement. Also included is a substantial introduction to the Spanish Army in the period immediately preceding the Peninsular War - written by the leading expert on the subject - that will be of great interest to any student of that conflict; the soldiers seen in the book are, after all, pretty much the same as the soldiers who suddenly found themselves fighting Napoleon in 1808.

LinuxWelt №4 (Juni/Juli 2023)

Автор: Kendy от 2023-05-26, 16:25:23
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LinuxWelt №4 (Juni/Juli 2023)Название: LinuxWelt №4 (Juni/Juli 2023)
Издательство: IT Media Publishing GmbH
Страниц: 116
Качество: хорошее
Формат: PDF
Размер: 32,2 MB
Язык: Deutsch/немецкий

LinuxWelt - компетентный советник по Linux для продвинутых пользователей, профессионалов и тех, кто переключается. С советами, советами и приемами по последним дистрибутивам Linux и программным пакетам редакция покажет вам, как оптимально использовать системы Linux в повседневной работе. Другие фокусы - домашние сети, безопасность, WLAN и Интернет. Редакторы LinuxWelt активно сопровождают разработки сообщества разработчиков ПО с открытым исходным кодом и рассказывают вам о наиболее интересных разработках.
LinuxWelt ist der kompetente Linux-Ratgeber fur Fortgeschrittene, Profis und Umsteiger. Mit Ratgebern, Tipps und Tricks zu den neuesten Linux-Distributionen und Software-Paketen zeigen die Experten der Redaktion, wie Sie Linux-Systeme im produktiven Alltag optimal einsetzen. Weitere Schwerpunkte sind Heimnetze, Sicherheit, WLAN und Internet. Die Redakteure der LinuxWelt begleiten aktiv die Entwicklungen der Open-Source-Gemeinde und geben Ihnen Einblicke in die spannendsten Entwicklungen.

Old Glory - June 2023

Автор: Kendy от 2023-05-26, 16:14:33
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Old Glory - June 2023Название: Old Glory - June 2023
Издательство: Kelsey Media
Номер: 400
Страниц: 112
Качество: хорошее
Формат: True PDF
Размер: 70,3 MB
Язык: английский

Old Glory Archive series provides a combination of both published and unpublished colour material from varying sources of the glorious 1950s and 1960s, the decades that capture the most nostalgic times for our average age readers - and for our younger readers, the chance to see how it really was for their forefathers. These two decades were the beginning of a seismic change in all areas of transportation, both on land and sea.

The series also explores true black and white archive photography from major collections, spanning the period from the early years of the 20th century back to the latter years of the 19th century.

Introductory Guide to Operating Systems

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2023-05-26, 16:07:46
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Introductory Guide to Operating SystemsНазвание: Introductory Guide to Operating Systems
Автор: Jocelyn O. Padallan
Издательство: Arcler Press
Год: 2023
Страниц: 281
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 10.2 MB

An operating system (OS) consists of programs that regulate the implementation of application programs, and serving as a go between of the client and PC hardware. The operating system manages the computer hardware systems well as giving a structure for applications to run. A few examples referenced in the volume are: Windows, Windows/NT, Linux, OS/2 and MacOS. The volume presents OS as advantageous and simple to use for the client, and makes handling client issues simpler. For a PC to begin running-for example, when it is organized or rebooted-it must have a primary program to run. This core system, or bootstrap program, will in general be straightforward. Normally, it is put in read-only memory (ROM) or digitally erasable read-only memory (EEPROM), referred by overall term firmware, inside the PC equipment. It launches all parts of the framework, from CPU catalogs to device regulators to memory elements.

Networks: An Economics Approach

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2023-05-26, 15:43:39
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Networks: An Economics ApproachНазвание: Networks: An Economics Approach
Автор: Sanjeev Goyal
Издательство: The MIT Press
Год: 2023
Страниц: 824
Язык: английский
Формат: epub (true)
Размер: 65.9 MB

An accessible and comprehensive overview of the economic theory and the realities of networks written by a pioneering economics researcher. Networks are everywhere: the infrastructure that brings water into our homes, the social networks made up of our friends and families, the supply chains connecting cities, people, and goods. These interconnections contain economic trade-offs: for example, should an airline operate direct flights between cities or route all its flights through a hub? Viewing networks through an economics lens, this textbook considers the costs and benefits that govern their formation and functioning.

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