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Advances in Digital Marketing in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: Case Studies and Data Analysis for Business Problem Solving

Автор: Limpopo5 от Сегодня, 03:34
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Advances in Digital Marketing in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: Case Studies and Data Analysis for Business Problem SolvingНазвание: Advances in Digital Marketing in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: Case Studies and Data Analysis for Business Problem Solving
Автор: Моеz Ltifi
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2025
Страниц: 329
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 14.8 MB

This book highlights the technological advances that are transforming the future of digital marketing and covers important areas of research in this field. The book demonstrates advances in digital marketing as well as tools, techniques, methods and strategies based on Artificial Intelligence (AI). It also identifies gaps in research into effective digital marketing tools, techniques and methods, and it bridges the interaction between digital marketing strategies and organisations’ business plans, on the one hand, and customer relations, on the other, in the age of Artificial Intelligence. This book presents the concepts and applications of digital marketing in the age of Artificial Intelligence to readers in a comprehensive manner. The book highlights the major breakthroughs and technologies in digital marketing for effective interaction, analysis, prediction and design to formulate the best strategy for a business by using Artificial Intelligence solutions. This enables specialists to apply advances in digital marketing in the age of Artificial Intelligence in the right way to serve customers and solve business problems in this competitive age. The advent of ChatGPT, an advanced form of chatbots based on OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 architecture, is distinguished by its ability to understand natural language inputs from users. ChatGPT can assist marketers in creating more human-like interactions with consumers, answering their queries, and offering personalized recommendations.

Introduction to Data Analytics for Accounting, 2nd Edition

Автор: Limpopo5 от Сегодня, 01:06
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Introduction to Data Analytics for Accounting, 2nd EditionНазвание: Introduction to Data Analytics for Accounting, 2nd Edition
Автор: Vеrnоn J. Riсhаrdsоn, Каtiе L. Теrrеll, Rуаn А. Тееtеr
Издательство: McGraw Hill
Год: 2024
Страниц: 689
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 32.4 MB

The combination of computerization and automation of many accounting tasks as well as the explosion of available data is changing the accounting profession. To address this, accountants are increasingly required to have an analytics mindset to perform their jobs. Building upon the fundamentals of accounting learned in prior courses, Introduction to Data Analytics for Accounting explores accounting concepts through the application of data analytics. We recognize students need to not only develop the skills to ask the right questions, but to learn how to use tools they may encounter in the workplace such as Excel, Tableau, and PowerBI to examine and analyze data, and then effectively interpret results to make business decisions. This analytics mindset is crucial early in the study of accounting to meet the demands of today's accounting jobs.

Шопоголік на Мангеттені – Софi Кiнселла II

Автор: TTT22 от Сегодня, 00:21
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Шопоголік на Мангеттені – Софi Кiнселла IIНазвание: Шопоголік на Мангеттені
Автор: Софi Кiнселла
Изд-во: Х.: «КСД»
Год: 2018
К-во стр.: 384
Размер: 23,0 Мб
Язык: українська

Ребекка Блумвуд тепер спустошує нью-йоркські магазини. Вона так і не позбулася залежності від покупок, а вітрини бутиків такі яскраві й привабливі, скільки всього ховається за ними! Шовкові шалики й чарівні сукенки, сотні пар елегантного взуття, яке так і чекає, коли ж його витягнуть із коробок, вишукані пальта й шубки — як же можна пройти повз цей райський сад? І от пальці самі тягнуться по кредитку, а в руках уже громадяться пакети з обновками…
Та цього разу через згубну шопозалежність Ребекка не просто втрачає величезні гроші — вона руйнує особисте життя, кар’єру і навіть зазнає публічної ганьби. Дівчина розуміє, що жодна брендова кофтинка не варта цього… Час оголошувати магазинам війну!

Очерки по источниковедению Сибири. Выпуск 1. XVII век (2-ое изд., исправ. и дополн.)

Автор: TomPlatz от Вчера, 20:42
Очерки по источниковедению Сибири. Выпуск 1. XVII век (2-ое изд., исправ. и дополн.)Название: Очерки по источниковедению Сибири. Выпуск 1. XVII век (2-ое изд., исправ. и дополн.)
Автор: Андреев А. И.
Издательство: М.-Л.: Издательство Академии наук СССР
Качество: Отсканированные страницы, OCR, хорошее
Год: 1960
Формат: PDF/DjVu
Размер: 20 Mb
Количество страниц: 280 с.

Автор этой книги — А. И. Андреев, один из видных знатоков истории России XVII—XVIII вв., крупнейший советский специалист по историческому источниковедению и археографии этого периода. «Очерки» прочно вошли в научный оборот и широко используются как историками, так и географами и этнографами.

Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence: Transformational Strategies and Disruptive Innovation

Автор: Limpopo5 от Вчера, 20:42
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Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence: Transformational Strategies and Disruptive InnovationНазвание: Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence: Transformational Strategies and Disruptive Innovation
Автор: Наmid Jаhаnkhаni, Gоrdоn Воwеn, Мhd Sаееd Shаrif, Оsаmа Нussiеn
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2024
Страниц: 329
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 40.3 MB

This book discusses a range of topics that are essential to understanding cyber security, including legal implications and technical aspects, cyber detection, and minimising the threats so that governments and organisations can function without noticeable degradation of service. Unlike other technological threats, cyber security threats have the potential to destroy governments and undermine democratic processes – which makes an overarching cyber security strategy essential for all functioning governments. Thus, the book serves as a guide for developing strategies and ideas in the field and as a motivator for other governments and interested parties to develop and implement effective strategies. The development of cyber security strategies calls for new skills at the technical and user levels alike. However, IT skills are sometimes in short supply, and without a government policy on cyber security training, the lack of these skills could hamper the full potential of cyber security. The book explores various aspects and challenges of cyber security strategy and highlights the benefits and drawbacks, offering in-depth insights into the field. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, and Deep Learning are powerful and intelligent technologies that have prevalent applications in the finance domain. These technologies enable financial institutions to develop advanced systems such as fraud detection, portfolio management, market segmentation, stock price prediction, and security anomaly detection. Recent decades have shown a great deal of research applications of AI in various areas of finance.

Хімія. Довідник для абітурієнтів та школярів

Автор: TTT22 от Вчера, 20:26
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Хімія. Довідник для абітурієнтів та школярівНазвание: Хімія. Довідник для абітурієнтів та школярів
Автор: М. В. Гриньова, Н. І. Шиян, С. В. Пустовіт, Г. Ф. Джурка та ін.
Изд-во: Літера
Год: 2009
Формат: djvu
К-во стр.: 468
Размер: 10,68 Мб
Язык: українська

Повний курс підготовки до проходження ЗНО для вступу до ВНЗ.
У навчально-методичному посібнику-довіднику викладено теоретичні основи загальної, неорганічної та органічної хімії в обсязі, необхідному для складання зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання. Кожен розділ посібника супроводжується тестовими завданнями, задачами, вправами для самоконтролю. Узагальнено зразки розв’язків розрахункових задач відповідно до шкільного курсу хімії, а також підвищеного рівня складності.

Security Challenges with Blockchain

Автор: Limpopo5 от Вчера, 19:15
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Security Challenges with BlockchainНазвание: Security Challenges with Blockchain: Navigate Blockchain Security Challenges, Unveil Vulnerabilities, and Gain Practical Strategies for Secure Application Development
Автор: Сhintаn Dаvе
Издательство: Orange Education Pvt Ltd, AVA
Год: 2024
Страниц: 275
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub (true), mobi
Размер: 10.1 MB

Securing the Chain: Navigating the Future of Blockchain with Confidence. In “Security Challenges with Blockchain”, readers embark on a critical journey through the evolving landscape of blockchain security. This essential guide illuminates the intricate security challenges posed by blockchain technology’s decentralized nature, providing a comprehensive overview of the potential vulnerabilities, privacy concerns, and trust issues that professionals across industries may encounter. Through concise, expertly curated content, the book equips developers, IT professionals, and blockchain enthusiasts with the knowledge and strategies necessary to build and maintain secure blockchain applications. It demystifies complex security concepts, offering actionable insights and best practices for safeguarding digital assets against emerging threats and ensuring the integrity of blockchain systems. Through a comprehensive exploration, readers will gain a profound understanding of the core principles of blockchain technology, including its decentralized nature and the cryptographic protocols that form its backbone. We delve into the technicalities of blockchain to uncover how its security mechanisms work, the types of attacks it faces, and the ongoing efforts to fortify blockchain systems against such threats. This book is tailored for blockchain developers, cybersecurity analysts, IT security professionals, technology enthusiasts, blockchain solution architects, IT managers, compliance officers, risk management professionals, students, researchers, and business leaders looking for insights and strategies for effectively managing cybersecurity incidents in blockchain environments.

Скиба С. - Температура

Автор: ddenn21 от Вчера, 18:44
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Скиба С. - Температура
Название: Температура
Автор: Сергей Скиба
Издательство: СИ
Год: 2024
Формат: fb2, rtf
Размер: 10 Мб
Качество: Хорошее
Язык: Русский

Мир будущего, в котором технологии достигли таких высот, что уже неотличимы от магии. Главный герой проспал кусок истории, проснулся и обнаружил, что люди слегка подзабыли, что любая магия — это всего лишь физика. Таких как он теперь считают то ли демонами, то ли богами, всё зависит от образования конкретного аборигена.

The Road to React: The React.js in JavaScript Book (2024 Edition)

Автор: Limpopo5 от Вчера, 18:33
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The Road to React: The React.js in JavaScript Book (2024 Edition)Название: The Road to React: The React.js in javascript Book (2024 Edition)
Автор: Rоbin Wiеruсh
Издательство: Leanpub
Год: 2024-02-05
Страниц: 285
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), mobi, epub
Размер: 10.1 MB

The Road to React: The React.js with Hooks in javascript Book (2024 Edition) - is a comprehensive and pragmatic yet concise React with Hooks (+ opt-in TypeScript) book. Purchase of this book includes free online access to the always up-to-date digital book. What you will learn: "The Road to React" made its debut in 2016, and since then, I've almost rewritten it annually. This book teaches the core principles of React, guiding you through building a practical application in pure React without complex tooling. The book covers everything from setting up the project to deploying it on a server. Each chapter includes additional recommended reading and exercises. By the end, you'll have the skills to develop your own React applications. In "The Road to React," I establish a solid foundation before delving into the broader React ecosystem. The book clarifies general concepts, patterns, and best practices for real-world React applications. Ultimately, you'll learn to construct a React application from scratch, incorporating features such as pagination, client-side and server-side searching, and advanced UI interactions like sorting. To navigate through this book, it’s essential to have a foundational understanding of web development, encompassing HTML, CSS, and javascript. Familiarity with APIs is beneficial, as they will be discussed later. Additionally, you’ll require the following coding tools to follow along with the book, complementing these skills.

Designing to FIPS-140: A Guide for Engineers and Programmers

Автор: Limpopo5 от Вчера, 17:06
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Designing to FIPS-140: A Guide for Engineers and ProgrammersНазвание: Designing to FIPS-140: A Guide for Engineers and Programmers
Автор: Dаvid Jоhnstоn, Riсhаrd Fаnt
Издательство: Apress
Год: 2024
Страниц: 224
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub
Размер: 10.1 MB

This book provides detailed and practical information for practitioners to understand why they should choose certification. It covers the pros and cons, and shows how to design to comply with the specifications (FIPS-140, SP800 documents, and related international specs such as AIS31, GM/T-0005-2021, etc.). It also covers how to perform compliance testing. By the end of the book, you will know how to interact with accredited certification labs and with related industry forums (CMUF, ICMC). In short, the book covers everything you need to know to make sound designs. There is a process for FIPS-140 (Federal Information Processing Standard) certification for cryptographic products sold to the US government. And there are parallel certifications in other countries, resulting in a non-trivial and complex process. A large market of companies has grown to help companies navigate the FIPS-140 certification process. And there are accredited certification labs you must contract toget the certification. Although this was once a fairly niche topic, it is no longer so. Other industries―banking, military, healthcare, air travel, and more―have adopted FIPS certification for cryptographic products. For hardware and software engineers or managers of engineering programs that include any form of cryptographic functionality, including silicon vendors, library vendors, OS vendors, and system integrators.

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